LoRaWAN with Smart City Solutions

LoRaWAN - CONETIS and Smart City Solutions

So that we can support you from the selection of sensors to the construction and operation of complete LoRaWAN networks, we have a strong partner at our side with Smart City Solutions.

Smart City Solutions offers a portfolio of applications for public utilities, energy suppliers, cities, industrial companies and schools. You build IoT networks for cities with LoRaWAN and are a provider of an innovative software platform.

LoRaWAN stands for Long Range Wide Area Network. LoRa® is a globally recognized wireless technology for data transmission in the Internet of Things (IoT = Internet of Things). It enables low data throughputs from sensors, actuators, meters (water, gas, electricity, heat), or measuring instruments to be transported inexpensively - even where networking using conventional cellular technologies is not possible. LoRaWAN is characterized by extremely high energy efficiency, the long range and also by the highest security requirements.

Here you can find some application examples:

    Corona infection risk in schools and public spaces

We have also put some things into operation in-house. Wireless and battery-operated room sensors, smoke detectors, monitoring of temperature / humidity, monitoring of doors / windows and a water sensor. So that we can show you the individual sensors, evaluation options and reporting options at any time.

The ATLAS IoT operating system easily records data input from a wide variety of systems, translates the signals into real data and then outputs them to any number of subsequent systems and platforms. In the same way, control signals from end systems can be translated into the necessary radio signals and sent via ATLAS. The sensors transmit the measured data via LoRaWAN. ATLAS receives all data from the LoRaWAN network and can then manage, display and process it itself and then transfer it to other applications. In addition, further data from other sources can be fed into ATLAS.

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