Wireless Switching (WLAN)

Wireless Switching

Conetis Dienstleistungen:

We are happy to support you in project preparation, execution and handover of the functioning WLAN. On request, we are happy to take over further maintenance of the WLAN.

With our partners D-Link, HP and Cisco we can offer you the perfect solution for your area of application.

    WLAN illuminationWLAN planningWLAN auditsWireless switching from D-LinkHP ProCurve Networking

Conetis solutions by industry:

    Medical technology (hospitals, social centers and nursing homes) Hotel and catering sector Public facilities

High speed in school

How a high school in Baden-Württemberg implemented its campus WiFi:

The more than 2000 students at Gottlieb-Daimler-Schule 1 (GDS1) in Sindelfingen can't quite believe it: Shortly before the holidays, the school's WLAN went into operation, which they can use for teaching purposes with any of their private devices. For the teaching staff of the educational institution, this improves the options for structuring lessons.

To the detailed reference report
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